Updates/Social Meda

If you would like updates on new items listed or new information posted at Ave Maria's Circle, simply subscribe to one or more of these options:

BLOG: The Rosary Making News blog is available but I'd rather work than write a blog :).  This is a spot where we let you know that new items have been posted or what has been happening.

As close friends know, we don't talk much, we tend to work more than talk so blog entries are few as that requires talking :D)

You are welcome to go to the blog and then bookmark it to check there periodically. The address is: rosarymakingnews.blogspot.com

TWITTER:  Being shorter at only 140 characters per message, Twitter is easier for poor people like us that don't have a lot of time or inclination to post messages :D) You can follow us at: http://twitter.com/avemariascircle

SPECIALS and NEW ITEMS listing:  Right on the website, whenever you would like, in the menu to the right of your screen you will see a link directly to the specials and another directly to the new items too.  How easy is that!  For those of us who are not as tech savvy just dropping by the Ave Maria's Circle website and clicking those buttons will give you that information all the time.