Chaplet Pictures and Prayers:
A selection of the more common chaplets with their pictures of a completed chaplet and the prayer to use with the beads. This is a simple reference tool. Please note that these may be unofficial versions assembled to the best of our ability from written information received over the years.
The list is not complete or absolute, but will certainly help you cover the better known and more often used chaplets as well as helping you complete chaplet sets that we offer here at Ave Maria's Circle.
Happy beading!
Angelic Trisagion Holy Trinity Chaplet |
Trinity Sunday, each Sunday | Adoration and honour of the Blessed Trinity |
Blessed Sacrament Chaplet | Corpus Christi, Month of April, Daily Mass | Adoration and devotion to the Holy Eucharist |
Divine Mercy Chaplet | Divine Mercy Sunday, Sunday after Easter | Honour and thanksgiving for the Mercy of God |
Fiat Rosary | Annunciation, March 25th | Closer union with God through Mary |
Five Holy Wounds Chaplet | Good Friday and during Lent | Devotion to the Passion and wounds of Jesus |
Five Holy Wounds on a Rosary | Good Friday and during Lent | Devotion to the Passion and wounds of Jesus |
Guardian Angel Chaplet | Tuesday's and October 2nd | Honour and thanksgiving for our Guardian Angel |
Holy Angels | September 29th and Tuesdays | Knowledge of and devotion to the nine choirs of Angels |
Holy Family | Sunday during Octave of Christmas and February | Devotion to Jesus, Mary and Joseph and to heal and strengthen the family and society |
Holy Ghost | Mondays and Pentecost Sunday | For the love and guidance and tremendous gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, God dwelling within us! (7 bead by 5 decade version) |
Holy Ghost | Mondays and Pentecost Sunday | For the love and guidance and tremendous gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, God dwelling within us! (7 bead by 7 decade version) |
Holy Souls | November 2nd | An act of Charity for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and for comfort for the loss of our own loved ones |
Immaculate Conception of Mary | December 8th | In honour of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and reverence for purity |
Immaculate Heart of Mary | Saturday after the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost | In honour and thanksgiving for the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Infant Jesus of Prague Chaplet | Christmas, December 25th | Gratitude for the gift of God made Man to love and redeem us |
Our Lady of Guadalupe | December 12th | Patroness of the Americas |
Precious Blood of Jesus | Month of July | Honour of the Divine Blood poured out for our salvation |
Sacred Heart of Jesus | June, & Fridays | Love of the Heart of God (5 by 6 bead version) |
Sacred Heart of Jesus | June, & Fridays | Love of the Heart of God (3 by 10 bead version) |
Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary | September 15th, Month of September | Compassion for Our Lady's Sorrows |
Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary (abbreviated version) | September 15th, Month of September | Compassion for Our Lady's Sorrows |
St. Anne | July 26 | Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Grandmother of Jesus |
Stations of the Cross or Via Crucix | Good Friday, all Fridays | Increase of love for and commemoration of the Passion of Jesus |
St. Anthony | June 13 | Wonderworker, Healer of Soul and Body |
St. Anthony | June 13 | Wonderworker, Healer of Soul and Body - shorter/daily version |
St. Dymphna | May 15 | Help with mental and emotional disorders |
St. Gabriel the Archangel | March 25th, September 29th, Tuesdays | Honour to Our Lady for Her fiat and devotion to St. Gabriel the Archangel. |
St. Joseph | March 19, Month of March, May 1st | For help with all spiritual, physical, mental or emotional needs, you can Go to Joseph! Ite ad Joseph! |
St. Jude the Apostle | October 28th | Hopeless causes |
St. Maximillian Mary Kolbe | August 14 | Drug addicts, political prisoners, families, journalists, prisoners, amateur radio and the pro-life movement |
St. Gabriel the Archangel | March 25th, September 29th, Tuesdays | Honour to Our Lady for Her fiat and devotion to St. Gabriel the Archangel. |
St. Michael the Archangel | September 29th and Tuesdays | Honour of the 9 choirs of Angels and to request the virtues we need |
St. Peregrine | May 4th or 16th | For Cancer and HIV/AIDS |
St. Philomena | August 11 | Wonder Worker |
St. Raphael the Archangel | September 29th | Patron of Travelers & Bearers of the Good News |
St. Rita | May 22 | Saint of the Impossible |
St. Therese, Little Flower | October 1st | For the Missions, but also very generous with her help for most requests |
St. Therese Sacrifice Beads | Daily | The little way offering of ourselves through daily life. |
U.S.A. Chaplet | For the spiritual renewal of the United States |